20190111a - Using the pyUn0 python lib

What ?

Been working on streamlining tests1.

From shell, a typical test sequence would look like:

To test blinky

python pyUn0.py test

should make the led for button 2 blink 3 times

To test acquisitions:

  • to run acquisition of a single line

python pyUn0.py single

  • to run acquisition of three lines

python pyUn0.py multi

  • to process images from JSON files

python pyUn0.py process


1. Excellent footnote.

Automated list of supporting files for the experiment 20190111a

List of files





Images of the Experiment


FFT of the of 20190111a experiment. na (category: FFT).

Automated image of 20190111a experiment. na (category: graph).

FFT of the of 20190111a experiment. na (category: FFT).

Automated image of 20190111a experiment. na (category: graph).

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