20180403b - New code for the board

Objective: testing time gain compensation and acquisitions


Acquisition tests



Lin Gain from 0 to 1000 over 200us

Automated list of supporting files for the experiment 20180403b

List of files





Images of the Experiment


Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Detail of a TGC line (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA with TGC (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Testing new version of FPGA bin (category: graph).

Detail of pulser (category: oscilloscope).

Linear gain from 0 to 1000 in 200us (category: oscilloscope).

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