Experiment 20191027a description

Automated list of supporting files for the experiment 20191027a

List of files



Images of the Experiment


FFT of the of 20191027a experiment. Dd.bin - no curve - DAC from 100 to 900, True - DAC = 400 (category: FFT).

Automated image of 20191027a experiment. Dd.bin - no curve - DAC from 100 to 900, True - DAC = 400 (category: graph).

FFT of the of 20191027a experiment. Dd.bin - no curve - DAC from 100 to 900, True - DAC = 400 (category: FFT).

Automated image of 20191027a experiment. Dd.bin - no curve - DAC from 100 to 900, True - DAC = 400 (category: graph).

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