retro10apogee (retro10apogee)
Small description: an Apogee 10MHz probe, opened and tweaked
Longer description: an Apogee 10MHz probe
setup Picture of the head with motor control
FFT Experiment: 20181104b-1. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 316 repeats each 3906 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1600.0 pts per line, Nacq = 316. Apogee10MHz recabled with wiretwophantom, probe: retro10apogee, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 12:15:10.118291
Other signals
BC Experiment: 20181104b-1. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 316 repeats each 3906 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1600.0 pts per line, Nacq = 316. Apogee10MHz recabled with wiretwophantom, probe: retro10apogee, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 12:15:10.118291