Experiment 20181104a


Centered around 4MHz -> 50% means 6MHz tops, that's 12Msps min.

  • @todo clean the code to have Cleaned signal around fPiezo
  • using a 3.3V source : with the ino file
  • 1 period is 60 lines at 488us -> period of 30us then.
  • Period 300us, 150us between shots means 100 lines
  • 200 lines for a full sweep, back and forth
  • 30kpts means freq of 16Msps or for a single image, 32k

or with 3200 -> 200 to 2200 : 2000pts per line



Automated list of supporting files for the experiment 20181104a

List of files






Images of the Experiment


Setup of the experiment

View of motor control

Setup of the experiment


Experiment: 20181104a-1. Duration: 190.0us (195000 - 5000), for 256 repeats each 1953 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 2026.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 256. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:39:39.179730 (category: BC).

Experiment: 20181104a-1. Duration: 190.0us (195000 - 5000), for 256 repeats each 1953 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 2026.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 256. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:39:39.179730 (category: FFT).

Experiment: 20181104a-2. Duration: 160.0us (175000 - 15000), for 306 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1706.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 306. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:51:12.404972 (category: FFT).

Experiment: 20181104a-2. Duration: 160.0us (175000 - 15000), for 306 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1706.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 306. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:51:12.404972 (category: BC).

Experiment: 20181104a-3. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 158 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 21.3333333333Msps, total of 3200.0 pts per line, Nacq = 158. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:59:23.366979 (category: FFT).

Experiment: 20181104a-3. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 158 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 21.3333333333Msps, total of 3200.0 pts per line, Nacq = 158. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:59:23.366979 (category: BC).

Scan converted image of 20181104a-3 using a piezo: hp2121 (category: SC).

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